The network event of the year: The Coffee-Bike franchise partner day 2023
02.03.2023 | From us
After the digital Cozy Coffee-Bike Evening of the internationally successful franchise company was launched last year instead of the annual presence event, the joy about the big, personal reunion of all operators of the mobile coffee bar on wheels on 28 February and 1 March 2023 was all the greater. More than 70 participants traditionally came together in the start-up city of Osnabrück - in the Haus der Jugend - to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and celebrate successes together. In addition to news and topics from the system headquarters, the first day included an external guest lecture, a panel of experts on the topic of personnel recruitment, employee retention and quality assurance, as well as the presentation of the partner awards for special achievements. On the second day, the Coffee-Bikers could choose between various workshop offerings. Finally, an anniversary edition of Coffee-Bike News, a monthly video format with news, tips and impulses for franchise partners, was shown.
Corona review, website relaunch and charity - news from the system headquarters
On the first day of the event, the franchise partners were welcomed by the staff of the Coffee-Bike headquarters in the Haus der Jugend. After a short get-together, Mark Rüter, Managing Director of Coffee-Bike GmbH, welcomed the participants to Franchise Partner Day 2023. "We are proud of the fact that we have mastered new challenges together in recent years and have further developed our successful concept. It's great that we can therefore not only welcome many new Coffee-Bikers today, but also long-standing franchise partners who have expanded their business into a multi-company with additional Coffee-Bikes," Mark Rüter opened the event. Afterwards, the new shop for franchise partners was presented and the participants were shown first impressions of the new Coffee-Bike homepage, which will be launched in the near future. The new Summer Specials 2023 also enjoyed great applause, as did the presentation of the cheque for the annual donation to terre des hommes - help for children in need. For every Caferino espresso pack sold, Coffee-Bike donates 0.10 euros to the aid organisation.
Guest lecture "Kopfsalat" and panel of experts
The external guest speaker Kilian Hübner, Head of Operations Franchise me, addressed the topics of external impact, perception and communication from a business psychology perspective, which he illustrated using everyday situations of a Coffee-Biker. His interactive lecture made the audience smile, but at the same time provided valuable food for thought for the self-employed entrepreneurs.
Freshly fortified by a delicious coffee speciality prepared by professional baristas on the Coffee-Bike, the expert round began on the topic of staff recruitment, staff retention and quality assurance. A long-time multi-biker, a newcomer from Bavaria and a partner with a fixed sales location shared their experiences with the plenary, while guest speaker Kilian provided the perspective of a franchise expert from outside the system. Overall, they agreed that the foundations of a functioning business are reliable, honest and satisfied employees.
After dinner, the Coffee-Bike Awards 2022 were presented. First place for the "most successful new start-up" went to Frankfurt this year. The prizes for the "most successful multi-entrepreneur" and the most coffee specialities sold were won by a Coffee-Bike couple from Dreieich. The Social Media Award for a convincing appearance in the social networks went to a partner from Kempten. Afterwards, the evening ended with a sociable quiz in Coffee-Bike Edition and good conversations.
Together for the franchise system - workshops and Coffee-Bike News
At every Coffee-Bike Franchise Partner Day, the exchange of ideas is the top priority. That's why, after a joint breakfast, five different workshops were held where the event participants could actively work on the further development of the franchise system. Whether multi-biker or single-biker, with a fixed sales location or as a coffee caterer for events - the opinions, ideas, suggestions and experiences of all partners were in demand here. The workshop "Products and by-products" dealt with the questions of which additional products should be included in the product portfolio and what no longer necessarily needs to be offered from the range. Another workshop dealt with "Employee training in the Coffee-Bike Academy". At the "New Starters Workshop", the new franchise partners talked about their first experiences as Coffee-Bikers, gave each other tips on acquisition and defined visions and goals. The topic of the fourth workshop was "marketing materials" with the basic question of what kind of materials the independent entrepreneurs still want for their acquisition and for the mobile coffee bar. Coffee-Bike offers the partners in the shop posters, flyers, digital cover letters, branded displays and giveaways, among other things. The participants of the "eFIS workshop" discussed challenges and improvements to the electronic franchise information system (eFIS for short). In eFIS, not only are new locations and catering orders communicated, but it also serves as an internal communication platform and offers business management controlling options.
The Business Development Team prepared an anniversary episode of Coffee-Bike News as the last item on the programme. In the video, event highlights were presented, new starters and anniversaries were shown, and internal innovations and business impulses were summarised. The Franchise Partner Day 2023 concluded with a group photo in front of the Haus der Jugend.
"The Franchise Partner Day with its focus on exchange, knowledge transfer and entertainment was a complete success! We are looking forward to welcoming the partners again next year in Osnabrück and to developing the system together with them," Mark Rüter summarises in a positive mood.
About Coffee-Bike GmbH:
Good coffee, genuine customer experience and authentic franchise success made in Germany. Introduced in 2010, Coffee-Bike proudly stands as one of Europe’s foremost mobile coffee franchise systems, currently making its mark with an impressive roster of over 250 bikes worldwide. For more than 10 years, the brand has been inspiring coffee fans and visionaries with an unique business concept.
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