There is now a rolling coffee bar in Frankfurt
07.04.2022 | About us
Frankfurter Neue Presse, 07.04.2022
Isa Zimpel runs what is probably the smallest café in the city.
Frankfurt - Isa Zimpel (43) has always been a big fan of two-wheelers: since 2007, she and her friend Christine Maurer have been running the "Vespenstich", a Vespa and motorbike workshop with sales and rental; first in Frankfurt-Bockenheim, since 2014 in Gallus. But when she happened to come across a picture of a three-wheeled Coffee-Bike on the internet, i.e. a mobile café on a cargo bike, the idea wouldn't let her go: "I'm super fond of drinking coffee, I like to be on the road and I enjoy new things, changes." And so it came about that Isa Zimpel has also recently become the manager of her own small café and makes people in Frankfurt and the surrounding area happy with a wide variety of coffee specialities.
You can find the entire original article from the Frankfurter Neue Presse here.
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