Being able to buy good coffee on a bike – the Coffee-Bike franchise was born from this idea during a study holiday. Today, with around 250 mobile coffee bars, the successful concept is one of Germany's largest mobile coffee chains. Would you like to open a mobile café and fulfill your dream of self-employment? Here you will find all information about franchising with our coffee bar, Coffee-Bike prices, how to become a franchise partner as well as important information about Coffee-Bike approval and much more:

1.How do I start my own business with the Coffee-Bike franchise?

Several times a month, we offer interested parties the opportunity to participate in our franchise information events. At these events you will not only get to know the Coffee-Bike team and our mobile coffee bar better. It's also about topics like permits for mobile cafés, uses and calculations for your business case. You have the opportunity to participate in the following events free of charge and without obligation (click here for the current dates):

  • Franchise Discovery Day: You get to know our expansion team in your city and experience the Coffee-Bike in action on site. If possible, a regional Coffee-Biker is also present to answer your personal questions. Over a delicious cup of coffee, you can convince yourself of the quality of our coffee and the coffee bar, exchange experience and learn important figures for your independence. We look forward to meeting you.
  • Live online webinar: You can start the step to open a mobile café by participating in our online webinar from the comfort of your own home. The live presentation, interesting videos as well as figures, data and facts bring you closer to our coffee franchise, give you a first impression of our Coffee-Bike and provide enough information for a subsequent telephone appointment, which you can arrange flexibly.

2.How much does the Coffee-Bike cost? What is the price for the Coffee-Bike franchise partnership?

The initial investment in our rental model starts at around 15,000 euros in Germany. Depending on whether an e-Coffee-Bike is desired or the purchase model comes into question, the conditions are correspondingly higher. However the investment varies by country and whether a direct franchise partnership or master partnership is available. We will send you the appropriate information if you request a free information package by e-mail here. We recommend an equity capital of 5,000 euros and grant an attractive discount for an annual payment of the rental amount for the Coffee-Bike.

3.How much is the Coffee-Bike franchise fee?

In our franchise system, you only pay a fee on coffee specialities that you have actually sold. Tea, hot chocolate or cold drinks are therefore tax-free. The fee consists of a franchise and marketing share and amounts to 0.15 euros per coffee speciality sold. Please note that the value may be higher in different countries and depending on the partnership.

4.How long is the contract period if I want to rent a Coffee-Bike?

The contract term of our franchise agreements is 4 years. You rent the Coffee-Bike. This is a low-risk alternative if you are thinking about buying a mobile coffee bar. After the contract period, you can opt for an extension and a general overhaul of your Coffee-Bike, among other things.

5.What are the advantages of the franchise with coffee and catering?

In addition to the professionally equipped Coffee-Bike, self-employment in a Coffee-Bike franchise partnership offers further advantages:

  • Experience and collateral of a proven system
  • An already high level of brand awareness
  • The technically and optically perfected Coffee-Bike
  • Central support through placement of catering orders
  • Continuous personal support for optimal business development
  • An electronic franchise information system for your own controlling
  • Continuous development of the mobile coffee bar and all products (e.g. seasonal summer and winter specials)
  • Mediation of additional sales locations in the Coffee-Bike network by the head office
  • ...and many more!

6.Can I also open a mobile café as a career changer? What requirements should I meet if I want to run a Coffee-Bike?

Anyone can rent our Coffee-Bike. The only thing you need is the ambition to grow your own business and become successful with the mobile coffee catering concept. It doesn't matter whether you already run a gastronomy franchise, have experience in the event sector or as a coffee lover have only lived out your passion for coffee privately.

In our Coffee-Bike Academy you will not only be prepared online for your self-employment. We also offer you extensive barista and technical training at our Coffee-Bike headquarters in Osnabrück, Germany. So after a few days you will be able to operate your bike and leave our academy with your own mobile coffee bar including initial equipment for the first uses.

Through a personal consultant from the Business Development department, you always have a personal connection to our franchise headquarters. The entire team is at your disposal for all aspects of technology, marketing, controlling and corporate development.

7.What do I have to consider: Coffee-Bike approval? Do I take care of the permits for my mobile café myself?

A mobile café requires permits. The same applies to the Coffee-Bike. In addition to a travel trade license, however, different rules apply in each city. Throughout Germany, the requirements range from a free right of sale throughout the city centre to special permits and creative solutions with sales locations on private areas in the pedestrian zone. It is best to ask in your city without obligation which requirements apply to you. Afterwards, we can discuss it together at our franchise information events and clarify your specific questions. When it comes to Coffee-Bike approval, we can draw on a lot of experience, so that we can advise you. In the United Kingdom we have direct contacts for the topic of permits. Internationally, we can also build on our initial experience.

8.What retail prices can I charge for my Coffee-Bike?

In the free sale, you determine the price for which your customers can buy their coffee on the bike. Without fixed sales prices, you can react flexibly to the conditions of your region or your sales locations. If you are unsure, there is the possibility to fall back on experience of the common Coffee-Bike price for each individual drink.

9.Do I buy the coffee from the Coffee-Bike company? Am I flexible in the selection of my products?

As with every gastronomy franchise, there is also a purchase obligation for certain products on the Coffee-Bike. This is the only way we can meet our consistently high quality standard system-wide and our customers can look forward to their favourite drink on every Coffee-Bike. For the offer of our product portfolio, products such as our certified organic Caferino espresso beans, Coffee-Bike cups or syrups must therefore be purchased directly from us. In our online shop, we also offer all franchise partners a large selection of marketing materials, spare parts and additional products for sale. Other products, such as milk and milk alternatives, can also be purchased in the supermarket of your choice. In this case there are only guidelines that the product must meet.

10.How and where do the repairs on the Coffee-Bike take place?

If you decide to purchase the mobile coffee bar in our franchise instead of opening your own café without a franchisor, our team will support you with the maintenance and repairs of your emergency equipment – the Coffee-Bike. We provide you with numerous video tutorials for self-help as well as emergency help by phone during operation. In addition, we build and maintain your Coffee-Bike in our headquarters in Osnabrück, Germany true to the motto "Quality Made in Germany".

11.Can I buy the Coffee-Bike without becoming a franchise partner?

The Coffee-Bike is the heart of our franchise concept. Therefore, it is not possible to buy the mobile coffee bar without becoming a franchise partner of Coffee-Bike GmbH or subsidiary companies. There is therefore no price for the Coffee-Bike without a franchise contract. In the rental model, payment is made either monthly or annually.


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