What does franchise mean? Part 3: Getting started with your own Coffee-Bike

| Self-employment

The Coffee-Bike stands on an exhibition stand where people talk to each other

Following the STARTklar interview and your several days of training at the Coffee-Bike Academy, you are now well prepared to run your own Coffee-Bike. Congratulations! But what happens now? Where can you sell freely and what other sales opportunities are there in the Coffee-Bike franchise concept? In this part of the blog series, you'll get answers to exactly these questions.


Your Coffee-Bike sales location

As an independent entrepreneur and expert in your city, you already have ideas about how you want to set up the Coffee-Bike. The self-sufficient coffee bar allows you to personalise your success story - whether at:

  1. Events and functions
  2. Catering orders
  3. Fixed sales locations

Thanks to the mobility of our Coffee-Bike, you can offer professional coffee enjoyment almost anywhere - even where stationary catering reaches its limits. We recommend a combination of the various deployment options in order to react flexibly to seasonal conditions and different target groups. While a sales location in a hospital is very profitable at peak visitor times, classic wedding catering is in demand on warm summer days.


Events and exhibitions - coffee as a visitor magnet

At larger events, such as flea markets or city festivals, you have the chance to reach many coffee lovers. A big advantage is that you only need 6 square metres of sales space and are particularly flexible thanks to the mobility of the Coffee-Bike. Many organisers often only charge a small stand fee. Another plus point for free sales: you can adjust the prices of your coffee specialities individually on the day of the event, as we do not set any sales prices for our franchise partners.


Catering and events - book the mobile coffee bar

Whether weddings, company parties or trade fair events - the Coffee-Bike is a popular highlight for special occasions. This is where the concept shows its strength: you are 100% self-sufficient and require neither a water nor electricity connection. In contrast to free sales at events and functions, guests do not pay for their own drinks when using the Coffee-Bike for catering. Instead, the organiser is invoiced afterwards.


Fixed sales locations - advantages of a mobile café

You can also operate your Coffee-Bike at a fixed location. Possible locations include hotel lobbies, zoos or tourist hotspots where you can attract regular customers. A loyalty card programme will turn them into real coffee bike fans. Here too, our locations team will help you find the ideal location in your region. We have already successfully placed many Coffee-Bikes in hospitals, company headquarters or shopping centres. With fixed opening hours, your calendar is well filled from day 1.

As you can see, anything is possible! If you are unsure which option is best for you, we will be happy to advise you. At our Franchise information events, we will show you the way to your professional freedom.

Become a self-employed Coffee-Biker

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