What does franchise mean? Part 2: Invitation to the Coffee-Bike Academy

| Self-employment

[Translate to UK:] A woman watches a Coffee-Bike barista pour milk into a cup

In the first part of the blog series, you‘ve learned how to get information about the Coffee-Bike franchise concept. Now that you have requested the free information package including the franchise brochure and have also taken part in an online webinar or franchise discovery day, you are ready for the next step.


The Start-up call: your vision of the Coffee-Bike business

Are you ready to open a café on wheels as an independent entrepreneur? You already know the basics of the franchise concept. Now it's time to clarify your individual questions so that you can sell delicious coffee in your region as a Coffee-Biker in the near future. After the info event, you can book a start-up call with our franchise expert, which can take the form of a phone or video call. Together you will discuss your current life situation, your prospects and your visions.

The following topics are often part of the conversation:

  • Financing the Coffee-Bike
  • Possible locations
  • Location authorisations
  • Professional activity before the Coffee-Bike
  • Contractual queries
  • Business plan
  • Start with the Coffee-Bike

If all your questions have been answered, we have got to know each other better and you decide to become a Coffee-Bike franchise partner, you will be invited to the Coffee-Bike Academy.


The Coffee-Bike Academy: technical and barista training

Welcome to Osnabrück, more precisely to the Coffee-Bike GmbH system headquarters! As you are now part of the #coffeebikefamily, you will also get to know the team at the headquarters. The training course, which lasts several days, is divided into various modules led by our specialist departments.

Here we give you a brief overview of what you can look forward to, among other things:

  • Functions and technology: setting up and dismantling the Coffee-Bike, operating the portafilter machine and grinder
  • Recipes and barista skills: frothing milk, latte art, preparing drinks from the product portfolio
  • Marketing and catering: press and public relations work, advertising measures, design services, internal catering acquisition and placement
  • Sales training and real deployment: practical preparation for a sales situation, followed by real catering with support from the head office
  • Handover of your Coffee-Bike: loading the bike and initial equipment

In the next part of the blog series, we will show you what to expect in the first few weeks after the Coffee-Bike Academy and what sales and deployment opportunities there are. In the meantime, take a look at our social media channels Instagram and Facebook for impressions from the Coffee-Bike world.

Become a self-employed Coffee-Biker

Online webinar Online webinar